Welcome to my birding diary....

... here you'll find a variety of pictures, local birdnews, Western Pal bits and bobs and a load of ranting about stuff I haven't seen :)

Hope you enjoy this and look forward to comments / abuse....

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Bloody Ducks!

Heart sent racing this morning when Blicky phoned with news of possible Baikal Teal - though he wasn't that happy in reality.....

Anyway, quick twitch to Wynyard was to no avail, as the bird is clearly a Wigeon hybrid of some description :(

Been a weird couple of days. Still frustrated over the Rainham gull, which still makes me want to yell HYBRID at the top of my voice to everyone who'll listen..... and news that Bosse's crew failed to find Kelp Gull with two visits to Khniffis last week.

Still, six days 'til we can give it a go ourselves and other ticks seem lined up...... watch this space

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