The downside of going away in October is that you're very likely to miss 'goodies' at home.
This year's cost of going to Corvo was a four day Glossy Ibis... but it could have been much worse!
Landing at Luton to the news of 'nothing to worry about', it took only 20 minutes into the journey before the 'Hen Harrier' at Dormans photos were placed on the net and, of course, showed it to be a stunning juv Pallid!

Not too surprising that we should get one after this autumn's influx but, with no chance of getting home by dark, a rather sickening piece of news.
Regular updates had us knowing that it roosted so, before first light, Graeme and I were in position to add this beautiful bird to our Cleveland Lists.
Also staying 4 days (though hard work for the last two) it was the icing on the cake for Cleveland in 2011 - with White-throated Robin and Sandhill Crane already secured, will our county ever have a better year?