The rest of the week was set aside for the wintering Oriental Honey Buzzard and Small Skylark, a more regular winterer. These both proved much easier than expected and the lark was a real education, a fantastic 'birders bird' if you know what I mean.
Back to TA for Starlings and Parrot, which proved almost no problem in the much improved weather and two days to spare.
Chose Hula for the first, an inspired choice as it coincided with about 10,000 Cranes setting off on their return to Europe - quite a spectacle! Thw wintering Demoiselle had the decency to hang around long enough for us to see too:-)
Last day at various fish ponds around Keffar Ruppin (poor) and Bet She'an (fantastic) allowed us superb views of GBH Gulls and confusing nightmares with lots of 1st winter white-headed gulls... just how do you split Caspians from Armenians at that age?